セルロースを糖化しています。The saccharification of cellulose
From Science to Community Revitation
「アップサイクル」の全てが良いことばかりではないことも,生徒達は学んでいます。常に,環境に配慮しているかどうかを自問自答し,「グリーンウォッシュ(Green Washing)」に陥らないよう,日々,実験に取り組んでいます。
This is a portion of the experiments conducted during the "Chemical Inquiry" class in the third-year Forest Create Science course. The images show a qualitative experiment where cellulose was separated, decomposed, and saccharified from the planned waste shavings generated during wood processing. Bioethanol is being produced from the shavings used for essential oil extraction.
By imparting new added value to waste that would normally be discarded, the process of transforming it into another new product is referred to as "Upcycling." At our school, we are exploring ways to generate new value from the waste produced during the Forest Create Science course, as well as from underutilized resources such as abandoned yuzu (citrus fruit), which is a local issue. The idea originated from the desire to use bioethanol created by ourselves to cover the heat energy required for steam distillation when extracting essential oil from wood and yuzu.
Students are learning that not everything about "Upcycling" is entirely positive. They constantly question whether they are environmentally conscious and strive to avoid falling into "Green Washing," working diligently on experiments every day.
We aim to revitalize Naka Town by harnessing its resources to create new energy.
学生们正在学习“Upcycling”并非完全积极的一切。他们不断质疑自己是否具有环保意识,并努力避免陷入“Green Washing(绿色洗白)”,每天都在实验中努力工作。
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