
我が事ツアー「那賀町を知る」  徳島大学×那賀高校



    On Tuesday, December 26th, the "Practical Internship" tour organized by Tokushima University's COC+R project took place. The tour was planned by students to gain an understanding of the issues facing the region, to perceive them as personal challenges, and to take action towards resolution. The destinations visited were not famous tourist spots or renowned figures but focused on the authentic and local aspects of the community. The students had the opportunity to engage with local residents and members of the regional revitalization kokecooperation team.

    During the bus journey, Tokushima University students paired up as buddies, engaging in discussions on approaching problems from various perspectives, their academic majors, and their motivations for participating in this internship. Based on this tour experience, the challenge lies in translating these multifaceted perspectives into action. It is expected that students who participated in the tour will take on leadership roles and guide various activities at Naka High School, including "Comprehensive Inquiry Time." We anticipate these students to lead and inspire, drawing upon the diverse perspectives gained from the tour.




 土砂流出による堆積と公共工事との関連性  Ken’s ギャラリーの中野さんによる「かきまぜ」講座
 Ken’s ギャラリーの「かきまぜ」弁当  Ken’s ギャラリーの写真が使われた木頭ゆずパンフレット






 鹿の角や毛皮(夏毛と冬毛) 地域おこし協力隊吉田さん講演にて  白瀬トンネル建設予定地






 山腹崩壊による橋の流出現場  橋の流出により使用されていない廃トンネル


"Practical internship" is a form of internship where students gain practical experience applying the theories and knowledge they have learned in a real-world context.

"實習型實習" 是一種實習形式,學生透過在實際場境中應用所學的理論和知識來獲得實用經驗