

キラキラ 弘前大学太宰治記念「津軽賞」 優秀賞を受賞しました!!



     A research paper on local exploration written by third-year students from the Academic Course of Forest Creation Science at the Hachinohe University received the Excellence Award at the Tsugaru Prize, a memorial to Osamu Dazai. Among the two groups that submitted, it seems that the group that did not win the award also made it to the final selection.

    The paper summarized the utilization methods of underutilized forest resources through chemistry experiments undertaken in the "Chemical Exploration" class, as well as the activities of the Forest Creation Science department in their daily lives. The students struggled to express the significance of the practical training and experiments they had undertaken in their own words. We hope that underclassmen will also set goals and engage in daily activities with purpose.

