文部科学省指定事業 「総合的な探究の時間」の質向上を図るための実践研究 実践校
台湾の生徒達と「地方創生」パネルディスカッションを行いました。 新化高級中學×那賀高等学校
On December 12th, students from Shinhua Senior High School in Taiwan visited our school, and we engaged in an exchange program. During the exchange event, we conducted a panel discussion on the theme of "regional revitalization." They presented the current situation of the Shinhua region where their school is located. Although time was limited, through a comparison with the Naka region, we were able to identify differences and commonalities. The students expressed a desire for more discussion and seemed eager for ongoing "regional revitalization" exchanges through the medium of English.
また,地域の方々に話を聞く中で,那賀町への思いなどのアンケートもとらせていただきました。話を聞かせていただいた皆さんが,高校生のような若者と話すだけでも元気をもらえる,とおっしゃっていました。生徒達も直接その言 葉を聞き,今後の活動へのモチベーションが高まっているようでした。現地に出向かなければ分からない,住民のリアルな言葉を聞くことが出来た貴重な機会となりました。
On December 3rd, Sunday, I exhibited activity posters and scenes from practical internships with students from Tokushima University at the Mokuto Industry Cultural Festival. The festival was vibrant with events such as Awa Odori by university and feudal lord dance groups, activity reports from regional revitalization teams, and a local products market.
During conversations with local residents, we also conducted surveys to understand their feelings towards Naka Town. Many of those who shared their thoughts mentioned that just talking with young people like high school students could lift their spirits. The students, having directly heard these words, seemed to have their motivation boosted for future activities. It was a valuable opportunity to hear the real words of the residents, something that can only be understood by going to the actual location.
On November 19th, we conducted a community exploration tour. Due to adverse weather conditions until the day before, we had to give up on the investigation of the Naka River headwaters and instead changed the plan to participate in the abandoned yuzu and sudachi fruit-picking.
In the morning, we attended the Source Concert held at Shikibi Valley Onsen, where we enjoyed performances such as puppet theater and piano by the Seiryuza group. Afterward, we explored several waterfalls near the hot spring and walked along mountain paths. Some students visited Naka's depths for the first time, making it a memorable experience. There were also students who savored game dishes at the hot spring's restaurant.
In the afternoon, we returned to the Aioi area for the abandoned yuzu and sudachi fruit-picking. The harvesting period for sudachi seems to overlap with the harvesting period for Aioi evening tea, leading to a shortage of manpower, and it appears unavoidable to give up on harvesting sudachi. Once the harvesting period had passed, the yellowed sudachi exhibited milder acidity and emerging sweetness, allowing us to eat the fruit as is. The yuzu and sudachi we brought back will be used for exploration activities such as food processing and essential oil extraction. The work, accompanied by various discussions including topics related to organic cultivation and management, proved to be meaningful.
セルロースを糖化しています。The saccharification of cellulose
From Science to Community Revitation
「アップサイクル」の全てが良いことばかりではないことも,生徒達は学んでいます。常に,環境に配慮しているかどうかを自問自答し,「グリーンウォッシュ(Green Washing)」に陥らないよう,日々,実験に取り組んでいます。
This is a portion of the experiments conducted during the "Chemical Inquiry" class in the third-year Forest Create Science course. The images show a qualitative experiment where cellulose was separated, decomposed, and saccharified from the planned waste shavings generated during wood processing. Bioethanol is being produced from the shavings used for essential oil extraction.
By imparting new added value to waste that would normally be discarded, the process of transforming it into another new product is referred to as "Upcycling." At our school, we are exploring ways to generate new value from the waste produced during the Forest Create Science course, as well as from underutilized resources such as abandoned yuzu (citrus fruit), which is a local issue. The idea originated from the desire to use bioethanol created by ourselves to cover the heat energy required for steam distillation when extracting essential oil from wood and yuzu.
Students are learning that not everything about "Upcycling" is entirely positive. They constantly question whether they are environmentally conscious and strive to avoid falling into "Green Washing," working diligently on experiments every day.
We aim to revitalize Naka Town by harnessing its resources to create new energy.
学生们正在学习“Upcycling”并非完全积极的一切。他们不断质疑自己是否具有环保意识,并努力避免陷入“Green Washing(绿色洗白)”,每天都在实验中努力工作。
那賀高校学校運営協議会にて,生徒達がこれまでの取り組みの成果を発表しました。徳島大学生物資源産業学部准教授 山村様,大塚製薬株式会社徳島ワジキ工場長 高須賀様,那賀町職員の方々を前に堂々とした立ち振る舞いでした。様々な立場からの提言をいただくとともに,生徒達の活動の際にお力を貸していただけると力強い言葉をいただきました。生徒達も場数を踏むごとに,たくましく成長しています。
At the Naka High School School Management Council, students presented the results of their efforts to various guests, including Associate Professor Yamamura from the Faculty of Bioresource Sciences at the University of Tokushima, Director Takasuka from the Tokushima Wajiki Plant of Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., and officials from Naka Town. During the presentation, the students shared their opinions and proposals on revitalizing Naka Town and asked questions to the guests.
We received valuable suggestions from individuals in different positions, and they offered encouraging words, expressing their willingness to support the students' activities. As the students gain more experience, they are growing resilient and capable.
Anyone can be a Star!
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